Conservative First

February 18, 2009

Videos: “Denver Anti-Stimulus Rally and Pig Roast”

This rally makes me proud to be a Coloradan.

from People’s Press Collective (website)

Video:  “Denver Anti-Stimulus Rally and Pig Roast

Jim Pfaff, Jon Caldara, Michelle Malkin, and Tom Tancredo lead a rally against Barack Obama’s stimulus bill on the west steps of the state capitol in Denver

Video:  “Denver Anti-Stimulus Rally and Pig Roast II

State Sen. Shawn Mitchell, State Sen. David Schultheis, State Sen. Kevin Lundberg, State Sen. Nancy Spence, State Rep. Cindy Acree

Video:  “Denver Anti-Stimulus Rally and Pig Roast III

State Sen. Josh Penry, Colorado GOP Chair Dick Wadhams, State Rep. BJ Nikkel, State Sen. Kent Lambert, Peggy Littleton (CO Board of Education), State Rep. Frank McNulty, Jim Pfaff, Jon Caldara

Video:  “Denver Anti-Stimulus Rally and Pig Roast IV

Jim Pfaff, Michelle Malkin, Jon Caldara, Dick Wadhams

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