Conservative First

June 5, 2009

Videos: Rush Limbaugh on Hannity

Filed under: Politics — Sofie @ 6:22 am
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This week Sean Hannity interviewed Rush Limbaugh on his (Sean’s) TV show:

  • ‘Hannity’ Exclusive” (“Part 1: Rush Limbaugh on being the liberals’ ‘demon’ and Obama’s worldview “)
  • Rush Limbaugh” (“Part 2: Conservative king blasts Colin Powell and Sonia Sotomayor “)
  • Rush to Judgment” (“Talk show king on what President Obama will nationalize next “)
  • GOP Kingmaker” (“Rush Limbaugh reveals his replacement as ‘head’ of the Republican Party “)

May 31, 2009

Hey, Mitt, What about the Constitution?

I just heard Chris Wallace on Fox News talking to Mitt Romney, who differentiated between Democrats who advocate government solutions to economic and health-care “problems” with Republicans who advocate “free-market” solutions.

He seemed to be supporting a Republican plan in which the federal government would give individuals more control over their health care.

Mitt needs to reread the Constitution.  There is nothing in it that allows the federal government to interfere in health care at all.  The only plan a Republicans should propose is one to get the federal government out of health care–period.

Unfortunately, in this interview at least, Mitt sounded more like another big-government Republican than a conservative.

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